Stephen Arterburn and Kenny Luck. Colorado Springs, Colo.: WaterBrook Press, 2005. 240 pp. (Paperback). Fortunately for the Christian faith and for readers, this volume
Judge Tennant M. Smallwood Jr. Order from the author at P.O. Box 611212, Birmingham, AL 35261-1212. 141 pp. (Hardback). This quite reputable and capable circuit
Granger E. Westberg. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1979. 64 pp. (Paperback). A classic indeed, this book “describes what happens to us whenever we lose someone
Gilbert Morris. Brentwood, Tenn.: Integrity Publishers, 2005. 400 pp. (Paperback). This historical novel from the pen of a prolific writer is one of 180
KADUNA, Nigeria — Church and government leaders in northern Nigeria are growing restless over President Olusegun Obasanjo’s failure to prevent northern states from using sharia
JAKARTA, Indonesia — An angry mob has twice attacked a boarding house at a theological school in Pulo village, Makasar district, east Jakarta, Indonesia, causing
LAGOS, Nigeria — A band of Muslim extremists has pronounced a death sentence on a Christian family and assaulted the father because his daughter allegedly
WEST JAVA, Indonesia — With angry hecklers in the West Java, Indonesia, courtroom calling them liars, three Indonesian women accused of trying to convert Muslim