2011 Ramadan Prayer Guide

2011 Ramadan Prayer Guide

August 1 began the fasting month of Ramadan for Muslims. The following guide is offered as a way Christians can pray daily for the salvation of Muslims during this month.

• Aug. 10: Ask that believers would be bold and take every opportunity to share Christ.

• Aug. 11: Ask for new believers to see how they can remain in their culture, being salt and light and obedient to the commands of Christ.

• Aug. 12: Lift up believers asking they would hold firm and true to I AM in the face of opposition and pressure.

• Aug. 13: Ask that He will use the seeds planted during this season to bear His fruit in the fullness of time.

• Aug. 14: Ask that the simplicity of the Good News would draw many to I AM during this fasting month.

• Aug. 15: 2 Corinthians 2:15–16 speak of the dark veil that covers the hearts of those without I AM. Ask that the veil would be removed and many would experience newfound freedom in Him.

• Aug. 16: According to Romans 10:20 ask that He would seek those who are not looking or asking for Him.

• Aug. 17: Muslims often associate Christianity with Western culture. Muslims often believe Christians are being deceived. For many Muslims, the word “Christian” signifies materialism, a lack of spirituality and moral failure. Ask that the Father would provide true followers of Jesus for them to see.

• Aug. 18: Muslims often believe that the Book has been altered and corrupted. Ask that many would be drawn to read the Book and would be unable to forget the truth of its promises.

• Aug. 19: Muslims believe Jesus was conceived miraculously by God in the womb of Mary. They believe Jesus is a prophet but did not die on the cross. Ask that those fasting would be confronted by the Truth of the Word that became flesh.

• Aug. 20: According to 2 Corinthians 4:4 the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ. Seek the Father, asking that His light penetrate the darkness of those fasting this month.

• Aug. 21: Muslims all over the world pray memorized ritual prayers toward Mecca five times a day. Ask that as they pray God will reveal that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no man can come to the Father except through the Son.

• Aug. 22: Muslims believe the Holy Trinity implies a belief in three gods. Many Muslims believe the Christian Trinity is made up of the Father, Mary and the Son. Ask that God’s Spirit would break through false concepts about the Trinity, replacing them with truth.

• Aug. 23: Muslims believe there is a Day of Judgment for all people. Ask that the Lord would provide someone to tell them the truth about this coming day and that Jesus is the Judge.

• Aug. 24: This week those fasting anticipate a special night of the month, commonly referred to as the Night of Power. They ask forgiveness for their shortcomings firmly believing that Allah accepts their prayers more readily during this night. Ask that God in His mercy would reveal that forgiveness is found only in Jesus Christ.

• Aug. 25: Ask that the power of I AM override the Night of Power so people will be freed from the darkness.

• Aug. 26: It is believed that on the Night of Power angels and spirits descend and carry out the commands of Allah. Muslims are often encouraged to pray through the night for blessings and forgiveness. Ask that families and communities will testify of Jesus visiting them and calling them to follow Him.

• Aug. 27: Because many expect visions, dreams, signs, wonders and proper interpretations during this season and particularly during the Night of Power, ask that people will experience these and be led to seek I AM.

• Aug. 28: It is tradition as Ramadan comes to an end that children return to the home of their parents, asking forgiveness for wrongs that have been committed against them. Pray that as they seek to honor their earthly fathers they will see the Living God as their Father and desire His forgiveness.

• Aug. 29: It is also tradition to ask forgiveness from friends, coworkers and neighbors for wrongs against them. Jesus alone offers forgiveness. Ask that this truth be planted in the hearts of Muslims.

• Aug. 30: As the month of fasting comes to an end, Muslims prepare to celebrate with family, friends and neighbors. Continue to pray for their spiritual eyes to be opened.