MORGAN ASSOCIATION Shiloh Baptist Church, Somerville, will celebrate its 200th anniversary June 30 at 9:15 a.m. Scenes and music from the founding of the church
PLEASANT GROVE ASSOCIATION Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, Vance, will host its annual Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) yard sale June 7–8. The yard sale will be
The conversation about the stained-glass windows of leaders within the conservative resurgence continues to surface among Baptists and others. Sometimes the focus is on supporters
BIRMINGHAM METRO ASSOCIATION On May 5, Cahaba Heights Baptist Church, Birmingham, celebrated its 125th anniversary. Chris Crain, executive director of Birmingham Metro Baptist Association, was
Eternal security By Jerry Batson, Th.D. Special to The Alabama Baptist For the past several weeks Theology 101 has considered eternal salvation in terms of