On Oct. 20, Mount Nebo Baptist Church, Falkville, celebrated its 150th anniversary.
Former pastor Donnie Carroll was the guest preacher and special music was brought by minister of music Geoff Halbrooks and Tammy Whitten.
Jerry Armor presented a certificate on behalf of the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission, and Larry Hyche presented a certificate from the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. Ken Blackwood, director of missions for Morgan Baptist Association, shared his memories of the church. Greg Compton was recognized for being Mount Nebo Baptist’s longest serving pastor with 25 years at the church. Gov. Kay Ivey sent the church a certificate in honor of the anniversary and it was displayed at the celebration along with old photos of church events and former pastors. Lunch followed the service.
“It was a great day,” Compton said. “We were running over with people. The Lord blessed us.”
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