Spending 10 Minutes with God

Spending 10 Minutes with God

Got 10 Minutes

By Karen Moore
Special to The Alabama Baptist

“The Lord will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (NCV)

Things have changed in all of our lives over the past few months.

COVID-19 has put the world on a temporary hold, and whether you’ve lost your job or you’re wondering when you’ll be able to visit your grandchildren, your life has changed.

Since summertime usually hosts a myriad of graduations and weddings, people have struggled with how to handle events and celebrations.

Things we once took for granted like fully stocked grocery stores or being able to travel any time we choose have given us pause.

God has a reminder for us though. He wants us to realize He is right here with us and nothing has changed in His willingness to help us rise above our circumstances.

He knows the desires of our hearts and now that things have slowed down a bit, He is inviting us to draw near.

Come closer and listen. Cast your burdens in His direction. God has not forgotten about your loved ones, and He has not abandoned you to fear and worry.

He goes before you even now, preparing the way.


Father in Heaven, I pray You will go before me to open doors You know are meant for me to walk through. I ask You to help me trust in You for all that I am and all that I will yet be. Amen.

Action Step

Put three key words in your journal that describe how you are feeling today.