Covington Association churches help host area abstinence program

Covington Association churches help host area abstinence program

Covington Baptist Association churches are working together with other area churches to host a countywide abstinence program for high school and middle school students.
Silver Ring Thing, a nationally known program based in Pennsylvania, will be held Jan. 21 at the Kiwanis Community Center in Andalusia.
Michael Walters, minister of students at Bethany Baptist Church, Andalusia, in Covington Association, said, “We decided this would be a good thing to bring to our area. It becomes like a club almost” because the event allows students to make a commitment to abstinence until marriage as a group.
The event is sponsored by the Covington County Student Network, a group of youth leaders whose goal is to reach students in the area, explained Walters, a member of the group.
About 20 churches are involved in this event, along with several local businesses.
Registration for Silver Ring Thing begins at 5 p.m., and the program begins at 6 p.m. A special seminar for parents will take place at the beginning of the student program, and then the parents will be able to go to the student portion of the program. 
At the conclusion of the event, there is a ring ceremony for students who decide to make the pledge. Parents are encouraged to attend the ring ceremony, and they can also purchase rings for themselves to remind them to be involved in helping their child maintain his commitment. 
If a student’s parents cannot attend, then support staff will be available to help during the ring ceremony.
The Silver Ring Thing staff will also be speaking in area schools the week of the event.  
“If the kids can’t come to the big event, they will still have the message of abstinence,” Walters said.
For more information about this event call Walters at 334-222-5551 or visit (TAB)