COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Two surveys of Internet pornography use show a growing addiction ensnaring millions of Americans and threatening the health of the church, public safety and national productivity.
Both found a fifth of American adults visit sexually-oriented Web sites, leading many into compulsive behavior. An official for the Family Research Council links that to such problems as sex crimes, abortion and marital discord.
Released March 21, the latest survey of more than 1,000 adults reveals 20 percent of American adults — as many as 40 million — click on sexually-oriented Web sites. Conducted March 8 to 10 by the New York-based polling firm of Zogby International, the study was commissioned by Focus on the Family.
Eighteen percent of respondents who are married visit such sites. Almost the same percentage who called themselves born-again Christians told Zogby they indulge in online pornography.
However, since Christians represented just a fifth of the respondents, the statistical sample is too small to yield an accurate estimate of the number involved, said Steve Watters, an Internet research analyst at Focus on the Family.
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