Depending on what messengers say this year, two state Baptist colleges might receive a little more funding and some future messengers might do a little less driving.
Topping this year’s business agenda at the Alabama Baptist State Convention annual meeting, set for Nov. 18–19 in Montgomery, is a request from Birmingham’s Samford University to cap its Cooperative Program (CP) funding. That move would funnel more CP money to the University of Mobile (UM) and Judson College in Marion.
Messengers will also have the opportunity to voice their opinion on whether the annual meeting should rotate only between Birmingham and Montgomery rather than among those two cities plus Huntsville and Mobile, as it has traditionally.
Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM), said the request to cap Samford’s CP allocation — currently $5.3 million, according to Samford — would benefit UM and Judson if messengers adopt the revised higher education formula recommended by the SBOM.
The revised formula would give the two colleges an additional amount annually for an indefinite period of time.
In requesting the change, Samford has “reaffirmed its historic relationship with Alabama Baptists and acknowledged the generosity of our state convention over many decades,” Lance said.
Samford President Andrew Westmoreland said the university saw this “as another way to support all Alabama Baptist ministries.”
After a two-year study of Samford’s funding, Westmoreland said he is convinced the adjustments would benefit both the university and Alabama Baptists. Samford’s allocation still could be adjusted upward in the future if convention and university officials agree.
The requested cap of CP funds will not take place unless approved by messengers during the annual meeting.
Also during the meeting, messengers will have the opportunity to note on a survey whether they would be in favor of switching the rotation of the annual meeting to alternate between Birmingham and Montgomery only.
“In the past, the first page in each messenger’s ballot book would survey messengers about primarily demographic information such as gender, age group, whether serving on staff at a church, etc.,” said Keith Hinson, SBOM public relations associate.
This year’s survey will have an additional question to gauge messengers’ opinion about the potential change — something that could save gasoline and other travel expenses for many messengers, Hinson said.
“The information will not be binding but advisory to the Alabama Baptist executive committee, which will study the results,” he explained.
In other business, state Baptists will consider a proposal for “a record-setting Great Commission ministries budget to continue to undergird ministries and missions in Alabama, across the U.S. and around the world,” Lance said.
They will also have the opportunity to affirm resolutions ranging in topic from opposing bingo gambling to encouraging Sunday School enrollment.
“I don’t see any of them as being controversial so far,” said Joe Bob Mizzell, director of the SBOM office of Christian ethics and chaplaincy ministries. “Most of them are expressions of appreciation.”
One of the resolutions will thank Alabama Baptists for reaching the $1 billion mark in CP giving, and another will deal with the proposed federal marriage amendment.
“The resolutions that have come in are very positive and address some of the basic things that Alabama Baptists hold near and dear to their hearts,” said Buddy Champion, chairman of the resolutions committee and pastor of First Baptist Church, Trussville, in Birmingham Baptist Association. “We will have a unique opportunity to celebrate some great milestones that have been reached by the body of Christ here in Alabama. The resolutions submitted so far should lead us to continue being salt and light for the state of Alabama.”
Messengers may submit resolutions up until the annual meeting, but Mizzell encouraged getting them in as quickly as possible.
“The committee meeting is Nov. 10, and we would love for messengers to send them in early so we have time to go over them,” he said, noting this would allow time to make sure resolutions are in the proper form.
Messengers can submit resolutions to Joanne Farmer at
For more information about the 2008 Alabama Baptist State Convention annual meeting or to request messenger cards, visit
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