Antioch Baptist Church, Centreville
Bibb Baptist Association
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 19:14
Favorite Hymn: “Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone”
Hobbies: Cooking and watching sports
Family Status: Married to Henry for 68 years; two children, Mickey and Mark; six grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren
Sarah Morrison has served as church clerk of Antioch Baptist Church, Centreville, for 20 years. She has been a member of the church for 76 years.
Q: What was your childhood like?
A: I had a lot of happiness in the church growing up. My family didn’t have a lot of material possessions, but we had a lot of love.
Q: How did you come to know the Lord?
A: When I was 13 years old, the Lord called me and told me it was time to give my life to Him. My mother was my mentor, and she was the one to help me accept Jesus as my Savior.
Q: How were you involved in church through the years?
A: I was involved in all the activities. I taught Sunday School and was director of Bible school several different times. I directed WMU (Woman’s Missionary Union) from early adult life on. I love young people and was an instrument to the young people. I felt like it was my duty, out of my love for the church, to be involved in the church as much as possible.
Q: What did you get from those ministries?
A: They were an instrument in keeping my life going. The young people I worked with returned the love I gave them to me. I was very interested in helping them, and I got a bigger blessing than they did. They helped me grow as I tried to help them grow.
Q: What difference has being a Christian made in your life?
A: If I hadn’t been a Christian and dependent on God for my physical problems, I wouldn’t be here today. He gave me strength and encouragement when I didn’t think I could go anymore.
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