Gambling foes urged to rally at Statehouse April 4

Gambling foes urged to rally at Statehouse April 4


Gambling foes are calling out the forces for an April 4 rally at the Statehouse.

“We want to encourage those legislators who have committed to stand against (video poker),” said Dan Ireland, executive director of Alabama Citizens Action Program. “And for the ones who are not committed one way or the other, we want to tip the scales our way.”

Ireland wants all pastors and church leaders to meet at the 11 a.m. rally in Montgomery with handmade posters and signs ready for display.

“We also want them to invite their legislators to meet at the rally,” Ireland noted.

“My gut feeling is it has not surfaced so far because there is not enough support to pass it,” he said. “I hope the pendulum will swing in the direction of those who take a stand against such evil.”

Lt. Gov. Steve Windom said he plans to attend the rally.

He said he hoped the rally would counter any strategies gambling proponents might develop during the spring break holiday (March 27-31).

Also planned during the rally is a push to pass a constitutional amendment requiring all attempts to legalize any form of gambling be brought to a statewide vote of the people.

House bill 780, which calls for this amendment, was introduced March 23 with 66 cosponsors.

The rally will be a time to take a united stand against video poker, Ireland said. “Hopefully it will say that we really did mean no when we said no gambling (last October in the vote for a state-sponsored lottery).