The Only Way
“The Only Way” is as clean as sunlight through your mama’s kitchen window and just as warm. Listening to a record like this is like therapy for your ears — the solid rhythm section with orchestra reminds me of great recordings by the Rambos or Glen Cambell’s “Gentle on My Mind.” There are no recording smoke and mirrors here, but you will find an honest offering of well-crafted songs by some of the best writers of our time delivered by one of the most respected southern gospel groups of all time.
Rodney said, “Chris writes from a perspective that is really needed in our genre. When you hear one of his songs, you generally think, ‘I haven’t thought of that before.’ He uses fresh words that are not cliché and phrases that are easy to sing yet meaningful.
Chris said, “About Rodney’s writing, what can you say? From one writer’s perspective, Rodney’s approach to writing is incredibly thorough. A good song has to be comprised of a lyric and melody that marries well. Rodney’s music reflects that. With a Rodney Griffin song, you can also bank on sound doctrine. There are no shallow messages to be found.”
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