Alabama WMU names consultant

Alabama WMU names consultant


The Alabama Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) board of trustees unanimously elected Faith Caddis McDonald as the Alabama WMU consultant to students and ministries.

“I am so pleased to bring Faith onto our staff,” said Candace McIntosh, Alabama WMU executive director. “She is a young woman full of ideas and with a heart for students. I am excited to see all that God is going to do in Alabama through Faith.”

McDonald is a recent graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. She holds a master of divinity with a concentration in missions. McDonald also has a bachelor of social work from the University of Alabama.

“Faith is a gifted young woman and I am excited to have her on our state staff,” said Stuart Calvert, Alabama WMU president.

McDonald grew up at Tannehill Valley Baptist Church in McCalla and in the WMU age-level organizations of Girls in Action and Acteens.

As a young woman, McDonald served on the summer camp staff at WorldSong as a cabin leader in 1996 and as a unit leader from 1997 to 2001.

The following two summers, McDonald served as the summer camp director at Georgia WMU’s Camp Pinnacle.

“My life was impacted greatly as an Alabama Acteen, and it is my desire to see young women stand boldly for Christ,” McDonald said. “I long to see young women embrace their Savior wholeheartedly and live lives of purity, passion and power for the Lord. It is my desire to see young people realize their incredible potential in the Lord Jesus and to help equip them to walk obediently and faithfully for the Lord.”