The Love Dare

The Love Dare

Stephen and Alex Kendrick. Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2013 (Revised and Updated). 235 pp. (Paperback).

First published in 2008, “The Love Dare” has mushroomed into an empire. Five years later, 5 million copies are in print, along with an attendant devotional book, a version for parents, a Bible study and a prominent place in the movie “Fireproof.” 

The authors promise that, in their update, “almost every chapter” has been strengthened and new resources added, including a hefty online element. 

For those of you who were unfamiliar with the original, the book features a 40-day challenge to spouses to change the way they relate to each other and to their marriages. 

The book can be followed by one or both spouses; the authors even make suggestions for couples that might be separated by circumstances, such as jobs, or even divorced or divorcing. Each of the “dares” is accompanied by a short discussion, a Scripture and some quotes.

The object, say the authors, is not to “change your spouse to be the person you want them to be.” Instead “it is a journey of demonstrating and exploring genuine love, even when your desire is dry and your motives are feeling low.” It is hard to imagine a marriage, especially a struggling one, that would fail to be transformed by the principles in this book.