Barbara Eubanks. Mustang, Okla.: Tate Publishing, 2012. 240 pp. (Paperback).
When I first got this book to review, I thought there had been a mistake. The cover has a picture that is a little racy. Nothing obscene or pornographic, mind you, but a little different from the books I usually get. When I read it, I realized that the subject matter was a little different, too.
“A Web Too Tight” is a fictional story about a pastor who, like King David, succumbed to temptation. Also, like David, the pastor in the story is overwhelmed with guilt and repentant but still has to deal with the consequences of his sin.
While the story is well written and interesting, it is a little too pat and predictable. In my experience, life tends to be messy, without all of the loose ends tying themselves up quite so neatly.
Overall it is an effective book that paints a picture of the lasting damage caused by a pastor who has fallen.
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