Tallassee’s Rock Springs celebrates centennial

Tallassee’s Rock Springs celebrates centennial

With the theme “Remembering our past, trusting God for our future,” Rock Springs Baptist Church, Tallassee, celebrated its centennial July 26 with the help of former and current members and descendants of charter members. 

The 10:30 a.m. service was emceed by Pastor Dale Barnes, who introduced Elmore Baptist Association Director of Missions Jim Jackson as the featured speaker and each of the musical guests. Kenneth Loomis, worship minister at Heritage Baptist Church, Montgomery, led music for the service.   

Special presentations were made by Calvin Milford, Alabama Baptist Historical Commission representative; Tallassee Mayor Bobby Payne; church clerk Cornelia Davis; and Rock Springs Baptist Woman’s Missionary Union. 

In honor of the church’s 100 years of ministry, Jan Barnes wrote a poem titled “One Hundred Years” and Connie Davis composed an anniversary song. 

The more than 200 participants enjoyed lunch outside under a tent and each family in attendance received a cookbook with recipes from former and current members as well as other items.

Cornelia Davis said, “God blessed that day for us. … [He] accomplished something we could not have done on our own.”