The Historic Cemetery Program of the Alabama Historical Commission (AHC) — a state program different from the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission — helps preserve historic cemeteries for future generations.
“Historic cemeteries provide rare opportunities to study and honor our ancestors and our communities,” according to the AHC website.
Through the cemetery program, the AHC:
- Informs the public about cemetery preservation guidelines
- Teaches individuals and groups how to document cemeteries
- Provides official historic designation for cemeteries through the Alabama Historic Cemetery Register
- Assists those interested in purchasing a historical marker or plaques for cemeteries
- Supplies free technical assistance on how to properly clean and repair cemeteries and grave markers
- Makes information on laws related to Alabama cemeteries available
- Answers questions concerning the general history of Alabama’s cemeteries.
Additional information about AHC programs and a county-by-county list of cemeteries in the Historic Cemetery Register is available online at
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