Kerrie Carr, a member of Lakeside Baptist Church, Birmingham, in Birmingham Baptist Association, has been selected by national Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) to be a 2007 National Acteens Panelist based on her strong commitment to missions and Acteens and exemplary leadership. Carr, a state Acteens panelist for the past three years, has been involved in numerous missions activities both close to home and outside Alabama, including Alaska, Hawaii and Tijuana, Mexico. She will serve with seven other panelists until Dec. 31.
The panelists will receive a $1,000 Jessica Powell Loftis Scholarship for Acteens from the WMU Foundation to be used for higher education. As a panelist, Carr will have the opportunity to interact with missionaries and national leaders involved in missions and may be requested to speak to church, associational and state Acteens and WMU groups. She will also serve at national WMU events and will write articles for The Mag, the missions magazine for Acteens, and for the Acteens Web site,
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