The Alabama Baptist Conference of Associational Leaders met Nov. 13 at Heritage Baptist Church in Montgomery prior to the Nov. 14–15 Alabama Baptist State Convention.
Associational leaders heard from Jamison Work, associational missions network associate with the International Mission Board, and Brad Brisco, director of bivocational church planting for the North American Mission Board.
Brisco told those gathered that “the grand narrative of the Bible is the mission of God.”
“In the gospels, we see the pattern of the Father sending the Son, the Father and the Son sending the Spirit, and the Spirit then sends the Church,” he said. “Rather than seeing ourselves primarily as a sending body, we must see ourselves as a body which is sent.”
Brisco shared insights on the benefits of bivocational and covocational ministry.
“Covocational ministry allows pastors and church staff to work in the marketplace where many of their church members spend most of their lives,” Brisco said.
‘Adjust to reality’
As more pastor, staff and leadership roles evolve toward part-time and bivocational ministry, leaders must adjust their approach, he added.
“The expectations of our churches must adjust to reality. Our pastors and staff have to spend their time wisely and live on mission,” Brisco said.
All careers are to be used to bring glory to God, he noted, and future generations must take that message to heart.
The Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions provided associational leaders several resources related to the call to ministry.
Danny Courson, associational mission strategist for St. Clair Baptist Association, said the meeting was a “great time of fellowship, learning and networking for more effective ministry.”
ABCAL officers for 2024 are: Jeff Knight, lead mission strategist of Tuscaloosa County Baptist Association, president; Ric Camp, lead mission strategist of Shelby Baptist Association, vice president; and Steve Dunn, associational missionary of Bethlehem and Pine Barren Baptist Association, treasurer.
Outgoing president Stan Albright, director of missions of Coosa River Baptist Association, led the meeting.
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