Alabama Baptists continue their giving pace of more than $85,000 a day, with $854,132.21 given to hurricane relief efforts through the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM) at press time.
And with more than a third of that arriving two weeks after the hurricane hit, Alabama Baptists are proving they aren’t going to forget easily. They are committed for the long haul.
“The funds are being distributed to those closest to the point of need, including churches, associations and Baptist groups that are providing assistance to displaced persons across the state,” said Bobby DuBois, SBOM associate executive director. “We are committed to our promise of distributing 100 percent of disaster relief gifts in responding to needs in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.”
“Our initial goal is to help restore churches and associations in ways they will then be able to minister to others,” DuBois continued. “Katrina offers a new challenge in that displaced persons are located all across Alabama, and we will partner with local associations and churches in addressing those needs.”
As of Sept. 15, $444,600 had been distributed to disaster relief efforts, he said, noting that funds are forwarded to areas in need as soon as they are known.
“Our priorities are getting associations and churches back to full strength … assist the churches … serving in staging areas for disaster relief … assist pastors and church staff members (affected by the storm), assist those (helping) displaced persons … (and) shoulder our responsibility of helping our sister state conventions of Mississippi and Louisiana.”
Nationwide, more than $2.4 million had been given at press time to the North American Mission Board to assist Southern Baptist disaster relief efforts.
In addition, LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) donated $10,000 each to the Alabama Baptist State Convention and the Baptist state conventions of Mississippi and Louisiana Sept. 1.
LifeWay is also working directly with scores of churches in the three states to restore damaged libraries at deep discounts and to replace at no cost any dated LifeWay curriculum lost in the storm.
GuideStone Financial Resources of the SBC has also announced that it will work with those participants and churches affected by the hurricane. For information call 1-800-262-0511.
In the weeks following Katrina, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana have received aid from a variety of organizations.
The Baptist General Convention of Texas has directed $1 million for relief in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.
Baptist World Aid of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) has made $75,000 available for the three states, sending $25,000 to each. DuBois confirmed this money has been received.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) has been working within the affected areas, initially sending $5,000 to CBF organizations within each of the three states. As of press time, contributions to the Fellowship’s relief effort totaled $182,000. (Compiled by TAB)
Alabama Baptist dollars distributed to Mobile area
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