It’s state convention annual meeting week for Alabama Baptists, and Baptists across the state are making their way to the Decatur/Huntsville area — many of whom arrived Sunday evening and Monday morning to participate in gatherings held in conjunction with the annual meeting each year.
Church planters and associational missions
The Alabama Baptist church planters network kicked off the activities Nov. 14 with a Plant Alabama dinner gathering at House of Hope and Restoration featuring pastor and Southern Baptist Convention President Ed Litton and his wife, Kathy.
Directors of missions assembled at Hillwood Baptist Church in Huntsville Monday morning through early afternoon for their annual conference. Along with electing officers and hearing from partner ministries, Chuck Kelley, president emeritus of New Orleans Seminary, encouraged the group to remain optimistic about the Southern Baptist Convention. A full report of the meeting will be available later this afternoon.
State Board of Missions
A few miles up the road at the south campus of Whitesburg Baptist Church in Huntsville, trustees for the State Board of Missions met to review recommendations coming before messengers this week, to recognize members who are rotating off and to hear updates from partner entities and auxiliaries.
SBOM executive director Rick Lance also shared how Alabama Baptists gave $19.1 million during the past SBC fiscal year, the top state convention gift. And over the lifetime of CP giving, Alabama Baptists have given $1.5 billion, he added.
“That’s almost exactly 10% of the overall SBC budget,” he said. “We aren’t the wealthiest state nor the largest, but we have the most sacrificially giving people.”
He also congratulated Alabama Baptists for exceeding this year’s Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering goal of $1.2 million not only before the end of the year, but also before the annual meeting so it can be celebrated together.
Randy Covington, executive director of the Alaska Baptist Resource Network, and his team also were on hand to provide an update on the Alabama–Alaska partnership efforts.
Pastors Conference
Over in Decatur at First Baptist Church, the Alabama Baptist Pastors Conference has around 500 participants attending sessions and milling around the exhibit hall. Conference president Blake Kersey, pastor of FBC Decatur, organized a workshop-style program with opportunities to talk and learn from each other. A full report of the Pastors Conference will be available later today.
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