Leaders of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM) and more than 450 pastors and laypeople joined in an online call to prayer today (March 25), lifting prayers for our nation, state and all those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
“What a joy it was to join with the leadership of our Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions and 460 or so others from around our state for a Zoom prayer meeting this morning,” wrote Scott Ferguson, pastor of First Baptist Church, Lafayette, on Facebook.
“Thank You, Dr. Rick Lance and the ALSBOM staff, for the encouragement,” wrote Mike Foreman, pastor of First Baptist Church, Level Plains.
The prayer session was held on Zoom, an online video conferencing platform.
Prayers of HOPE
SBOM Executive Director Rick Lance opened the call to prayer with an acronym for HOPE that guided the four prayers that followed:
H – Help for all people, including those who are ill or will become ill during the crisis, as well for for those who serve as caregivers;
O – Opportunities for ministry during this time and in the days to come;
P – People in leadership, including government leaders at all levels, medical providers, military personnel around the world, missionaries and leaders in our churches and communities; and
E – Encouragement for us all in the face of uncertainty so we can encourage others in a tumultuous time.
Prayers were offered for each of the four areas. Leading in prayer were Mike Jackson, director of the office of LeaderCare & church health for SBOM; Candace McIntosh, executive director of Alabama Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU); Scotty Goldman, director of the SBOM’s office of global missions; and Mel Johnson, lead mission strategist for Autauga Baptist Association.
Alabama Baptist State Convention President Tim Cox, pastor of Liberty Baptist Church, Chelsea, closed the session with a final prayer.
Throughout the prayer time, participants on the call expressed their gratitude for the time together. Lance said he expected additional opportunities to pray for state, local and national ministry efforts as the coronavirus pandemic and recovery efforts continue. (TAB)
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