Alabama Baptists prove athletic skills in state tournaments

Alabama Baptists prove athletic skills in state tournaments

The month of August was a busy one for softball teams and  marksmen and markswomen in Alabama. Baptists from across the state participated in the annual men’s softball tournament and the Baptist Men’s Marksmanship Challenge sponsored by the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions’ (SBOM) office of men’s ministries.
    The softball tournament — held Aug. 5–6 at Lagoon Park and Dean Fain Park softball complexes, both in Montgomery — drew an estimated 500 players on 40 teams “from Huntsville to Mobile,”  said Tommy Puckett, director of the office of men’s ministries for the SBOM. “It was a great weekend.” 
    Gardendale’s First Baptist Church in North Jefferson Baptist Association won first place. First Baptist Church, Wilmer, in Mobile Baptist Association took second. Sherwood Baptist Church, Huntsville, in Madison Baptist Association and Hunter Street Baptist Church, Hoover, in Birmingham Baptist Association tied for third place.
    The marksmanship challenge drew more than 200 participants to the Southern Sportsman’s Lodge near Benton Aug. 13, Puckett said. 
    Men, women and children 8 years of age and up from across Alabama took part. The team from Hayneville Baptist Church in Montgomery Baptist Association won first place. New Bethel Baptist Church, Minter, in Selma Baptist Association won second place.