Mountain Brook Baptist Church, Birmingham, sent a construction team to Portland, Maine, June 18-24. The church also had a senior high school team in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 24-July 1.
Mary Helen Finch, a member of Corinth Baptist Church, recently returned from helping with an evangelism/health missions trip to Venezuela.
Sixth Street Baptist Church, Tallapoosa Association, participated in an outreach ministry for missions June 11-17 in Millington, Tenn., at Fellowship Baptist Church. Some members of the 32-member missions team also assisted in the construction of a family life center. Others conducted four backyard Bible clubs daily.
Franklin Association sponsored a missions trip to Pittsford, N.Y., July 12-21. About 100 people helped build a church.
Six people from Philadelphia Baptist Church, Birmingham, participated in a missions trip to Tanzania in July.
New Temple Baptist Church, Dora, sent four men from the church on a missions trip to Venezuela in July.
Tallaweka Baptist Church, Tallassee, sponsored missions work to inner-city children in Phenix City and Columbus, Ga., June 26-30. The volunteers conducted a Vacation Bible School for 65-70 children in Phenix City.
First Baptist Church, Guin, sent 20 students and adults to serve for a week in Meridian, Miss., as World Changers. The church also commissioned Gilbert and Marguerite Butler to serve as volunteer missionaries to China July 1-Aug. 15. Twelve church members also served with the Marion County Baptist Association’s missions trip to Pittsford, N.Y., in July.
First Baptist Church, Dora, sent an adult carpenter’s missions team of 25 to Six Mile, S.C., June 25-30. The team assisted with the construction of the new worship center of King’s Grove Baptist Church. The church also sent a youth missions team to Goshen, Ohio, July 16-22. The team of 25 conducted sports evangelism clinics at the local middle school for first- through sixth-graders. There were more than 50 children enrolled and eight professions of faith.
Glynwood Baptist Church in the Autauga Association sent its Acteens Activator team to Ponce, Puerto Rico, June 12-22, on a missions trip. The group worked with local churches in Vacation Bible Schools, puppet shows and other activities.
McElwain Baptist Church, Birmingham, sent nine people to Malawi on a missions trip July 26-Aug. 8.
Mandy Thompson, a member of Shiloh Baptist Church in the Lamar Association, is volunteering her summer to help with Vacation Bible Schools and backyard Bible clubs in Louisville, Ky.
Amanda McCurley, a member of Oakey Ridge Baptist Church in the Covington Association, will help build a church in the Virgin Islands in August.
Alexis Diehl, a member of Southside Baptist Church, Andalusia, is serving at WorldSong Missions Place this summer.
Eastaboga Baptist Church, Eastaboga, sent six adults and 14 youth on a missions trip to New Orleans June 25-30. The group helped a local church with Vacation Bible School, personal evangelism and backyard Bible clubs. There were 47 professions of faith during the week.
Mount Zion Baptist Church and Farley Community Church of the Madison Baptist Association sent volunteers and funds to the Ukraine to help build a church in the village of Beregovoya.
First Baptist Church, Gordo, sponsored a youth missions trip to rural West Virginia. The group helped with Vacation Bible Schools, invited residents to revival meetings and ministered to persons attending the Coal Festival. Adults from Gordo joined some from Reform in Gillette, Wyoming, to construct a church building.
Debbie Junkins of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Pickens Association volunteered to work with Native American children at the annual Indian Falls Creek Week in Oklahoma.
Four youth from West End Baptist Church in Pickens Association will spend a month in Romania involved in missions efforts.
Bonnie Windle and the Jackie Richardson family of Carrollton Baptist in Pickens Association went on a missions trip to Brazil.
Gilliam Springs Baptist Church in Marshall Association sponsored a missions trip to Warren, Ohio, July 15-22 to assist two new churches in the area.
Brookwood Baptist Church, Birmingham, sent a medical missions team to Bolivia July 21-30.
Shanna Carey of Forest Lake Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, is serving as a summer missionary to California.
North Glencoe Baptist Church, Glencoe, sponsored a missions trip to Nebraska July 22-29. They worked with children’s camp doing music, recreation and crafts.
East Cullman Baptist Association sponsored a missions trip to Mid-Continent Baptist College in Mayfield, Ky., July 10-14. The group helped with renovations and conducted Vacation Bible School.
First Baptist Church, Mount Olive, sponsored a youth missions trip to Dylwood, Va., June 24-July1, where they provided music, drama and helped with Vacation Bible School.
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