Alabama couple works in Africa for 26 years, still going strong

Alabama couple works in Africa for 26 years, still going strong

She hails from Boaz, he from Texas and the long-married couple shares a Birmingham address while on stateside assignment. By day, she’s a piano teacher and he’s an education consultant. But their evenings are spent explaining the gospel to a people group who have never heard of the salvation they know.

The husband-wife team, who asked that their names not be printed, has spent the better part of the last 26 years working as International Mission Board representatives among Christians in Africa – first in Tanzania and now among an unreached people group in Kenya.

“The people we minister to are curious and hungry to know God,” she said. “There’s a lot of baggage from their old religion, but they have a neediness to know the truth.”

In recent years, the two worked with a language helper to translate a book of 51 chronological Bible stories into the language of the people to whom they minister.

Now after their education seminars and piano lessons are wrapped up for the day, they spend their evenings in people’s homes going through the stories and discussing them. “We talk about how God revealed His Word to man and go straight through from there,” she said. “The people want to get away from serving something that’s not reality.”