Alabama Springs Women group launches, seeks members

Alabama Springs Women group launches, seeks members


Musical presentations from the Alabama Singing Men (which includes one woman) may be old hat to many in the state, but women are about to get their day in the sun.

Plans are currently under way to start a state Baptist women’s chorus called the Alabama Singing Women. The formation of the new chorus will be supported by the Alabama Singing men, the state men’s singing group since 1974, and guided by a steering team of women music leaders from across the state. Only two other states (Georgia and Florida) have offered a similar opportunity.

“The membership will be drawn not only from our churches’ music staff leaders,” said Lori Chitwood Bailey, youth and children’s minister and music associate at Creek Path Baptist Church in Guntersville, “but also from laywomen and other staff women who are recommended by their minister of music or music director.”

Gayle Smith, a music educator and staff member at Providence Baptist Church in Tuskegee Lee Baptist Association, will be director of the Alabama Singing Women.

Smith described the group as a “sisterhood of those who love and appreciate music and for whom music is an important part of their worship and service.”

Worship experiences

Smith anticipates meaningful worship experiences with women who are “willing to invest their time and talents in the group, placing it in God’s hands and following in this adventure wherever He leads.”

Jane Leland, music associate at First Baptist Church, Opelika, and accompanist for the new chorus, looks forward to opportunities to minister through song and to fellowship and network with other women who are interested in praising the Lord through music. She too anticipates the “camaraderie of a group of women with a common love for music and the Lord.”

Ray Burdeshaw, director of the office of worship leadership and church music at the State Board of Missions, foresees the new choral group having a significant impact on the music and worship of Alabama Baptists as it “gives women another opportunity for service, not only in their local churches, but also in ministry statewide.”

The inaugural gathering of the Alabama Singing Women will be their Sept. 19-20 retreat at Shocco Springs Conference Center. Retreat information will be sent to music ministers and music directors of Alabama churches. To find out more, call Ray Burdeshaw at 1-800-264-1225.