Galen Jones, a black church-planting strategist in Tuscaloosa, has been named to the Resolutions Committee that will serve during the June 12–13 Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) annual meeting in San Antonio.
Jones, under dual appointment of the North American Mission Board and the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, has been attending Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, in Tuscaloosa Baptist Association.
Also appointed was Gerald Harris of Georgia, named committee chairman by SBC President Frank Page, pastor of First Baptist Church, Taylors, S.C. Harris is editor of The Christian Index, newsjournal of the Georgia Baptist Convention, and a member of Ephesus Baptist Church near Atlanta.
Page’s other appointees, in alphabetical order, are:
– David George, director of missions for Chugach Baptist Association in Anchorage, Alaska, and a member of First Baptist Church, Eagle River, Alaska.
– Al Gilbert, senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Winston-Salem, N.C.
– Robin Hadaway, associate professor of missions at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a member of Pleasant Valley Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo.
– Martha Lawley, an author and speaker and member of First Southern Baptist Church, Worland, Wyo.
– Michael Lewis, pastor of Great Hills Baptist Church, Austin, Texas.
– Daniel Sanchez, director of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Scarborough Institute for Church Planting & Growth and associate dean for master’s programs of the Roy Fish School of Evangelism & Missions and a member of Wedgwood Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas.
– Charles Strickland, executive assistant to the president at Brewton-Parker College in Mount Vernon, Ga., and a member of First Baptist Church, Vidalia, Ga.
– Greg Thornbury, dean of Union University’s school of Christian studies and a member of Englewood Baptist Church, Jackson, Tenn.
The committee’s composition must include at least two members who served the previous year, with Harris and Hadaway meeting this requirement. Bylaw 20 has long required that the committee include at least three SBC Executive Committee members. This year, they are Gilbert, Lawley and Lewis.
The naming of the Resolutions Committee in late March is in keeping with an amendment to SBC Bylaw 20 approved during the 2002 SBC annual meeting in St. Louis, which also entailed various changes to the resolution submission procedure. The changes include the following:
– Proposed resolutions may be submitted as early as April 15 but no later than 15 days prior to the SBC annual meeting, giving the Resolutions Committee a two-week period in which to consider submissions. Resolutions may no longer be submitted during the annual meeting.
– Proposed resolutions must be accompanied by a letter from a church qualified to send a messenger to the SBC annual meeting certifying that the individual submitting the resolution is a member in good standing.
– Proposed resolutions preferably should be submitted by e-mail or mailed to the Resolutions Committee in care of the SBC Executive Committee. The drafts must be typewritten, titled, dated and include complete contact information for the person and his or her church.
– No person will be allowed to submit more than three resolutions per year.
– If a properly submitted resolution is not forwarded by the Resolutions Committee to the SBC annual meeting, a two-thirds vote of messengers would be required to bring the proposed resolution to the convention floor. (BP)
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