Alabamians awarded for disaster relief

Alabamians awarded for disaster relief


Three Alabama Baptists were among 10 Southern Baptist disaster relief workers recently recognized for their selfless commitment and sacrifice in disaster relief efforts across North America and the world.

Leon White and Bob and Sarah Helms were presented the 2005 National Disaster Relief Roundtable Distinguished Service Award, along with other leaders from Georgia, Michigan, Virginia and West Virginia.

The Helmses, both retired colonels in the U.S. Army, served for 12 years as leadership partners with the Alabama Baptist State Convention. As trainers in water purification, they have helped coordinate relief efforts in the Caribbean, El Salvador and the Middle East.

The couple spent more than three months in New York City following the 9/11 terrorist attacks helping coordinate more than 1,000 volunteers who cleaned about 650 apartments.

The Helmses recently relocated to Winchester, Tenn., where they are members of First Baptist Church.

“The Helmses are spiritual giants in their witness to those affected by disaster as well as to the volunteers,” said Mickey Caison, adult volunteer mobilization manager with the North American Mission Board (NAMB).

Good name for Baptists

White served as state director of missions for the West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists for about seven years. He and his wife, Sarah, recently moved to Alabaster to retire. Leon plans to continue an itinerant preaching ministry in Alabama.

Before moving to West Virginia, the Whites served as missionaries with the International Mission Board and NAMB for nearly 30 years.

Most recently, Leon led several in-state responses in the wake of record flooding.

“His outstanding work has created a change of perception about Southern Baptists within West Virginia, and his distinguished service and influence has left a personal legacy,” Caison said. “In West Virginia, Leon White has been ‘Mr. Disaster Relief’ for Southern Baptists.”

More than 300 leaders from 33 state Baptist conventions attended the 2005 Disaster Relief Roundtable meeting held April 26-28 at First Baptist Church Henderson, Tenn.

About 31,000 trained volunteers currently are part of the Southern Baptist disaster relief network nationwide. Disaster relief units generally are owned and operated by state conventions, local associations and churches and are coordinated nationally by NAMB.