I am happy to read that churches are supporting literacy efforts. However, the quote “I believe in my heart that failing to teach children to read on grade level is a sin” troubles me. As a music teacher in an elementary school, I have seen my colleagues go to every length imaginable to help children succeed. I have seen them cry over a student’s struggles. I have known them to meet with parents, tutor on their own time, go to workshops and meet in teams to help a child understand and achieve.
We are already buckling under mandates to be “highly qualified,” the accountability for every child’s test score and the notions of some that we are compromising our faith by being public school teachers at all. To say that a dedicated teacher has sinned because one of her students is not reading on grade level is an unfair indictment. The vast majority of teachers I know are dedicated to their students and are doing everything possible to help those students succeed. Let’s applaud their efforts.
Laurie Gilbreath
Auburn, Ala.
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