WASHINGTON — The number of arsons at U.S. houses of worship continues to decline, a federal task force reports.
The total of arsons, bombings and attempted bombings declined 53 percent between 1996 and 1999, dropping from 297 to 140, the National Church Arson Task Force reported.
The decline in incidents continued in 2000, with 82 incidents reported as of Aug. 15, the Associated Press reported.
The task force began in 1996 and has an arrest rate of 36.2 percent, compared with a 16 percent rate for all cases of arson. It reported that 305 defendants have been convicted in 224 arsons or bombings.
“For the federal government, combating attacks on America’s houses of worship will remain a permanent priority,” said Bill Lann Lee, co-chairman of the task force and the Justice Department’s assistant attorney general for civil rights.
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