WASHINGTON — A new holiday ad from the American Humanist Association (AHA) declaring, “Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake,” is now featured on buses in Washington, D.C.
“We are declaring loudly and clearly an important part of the humanist ethical message,” said Fred Edwords, director of communications for AHA. “All of us can have moral values as a natural result of who we are as a species and who we have become as a civilization.”
The $40,000 ad campaign is not necessarily targeting religious people or challenging their beliefs, officials said, but rather is an attempt to reach existing atheists and agnostics to let them know they are not alone, Edwords said.
The signs direct people to a Web site that helps atheists connect to others like them in the Washington area and around the country. “We just want to reach those open to this message but unaware of how widespread their views really are,” Edwords said.
Other organizations have been running similar campaigns in other cities. Jan Meshon, president and founder of FreeThoughtAction, has helped launch billboard ads in New York City, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Kansas City, Mo., with several on the way in Denver and Colorado Springs.
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