We ask that you pray for a new missionary family who will be working with the Tlapanecos. They arrived in Mexico at the beginning of June and have had a rough month — living in a hotel, being robbed and having their ATM card taken by the machine. They have found a house and will, hopefully, be moved in soon. Please pray that they will feel a sense of security and peace in spite of the difficulties. Pray that they will find friends in their new town, as well as those willing to help them learn the Tlapanec language and culture.
Please continue to pray for missionaries coming to work with indigenous groups in the next year as they are in language studies.
The Tlapanecos are situated for the most part in the Mexican state of Guerrero. Many of them are in very remote villages. Their main economic support comes from farming and products made from weaving palm leaves, although many have had to leave their villages to find work elsewhere.
Although many Tlapanecos would say they are Catholic, many still practice their animistic beliefs, trying to please the gods of their ancestors in order to have a good harvest. There are very few known followers of Jesus. Pray the Tlapanecos will be open to the gospel. Pray they will leave behind their lives of fear and insecurity and will find hope and peace in Jesus Christ.
Donny and Jennifier Barger
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