The newly established Center for Women in Ministry at Beeson Divinity School held its first event July 9-10 — the Women in Ministry Conference.
The conference followed the theme Minister Like the Magdalene and featured talks from Jennifer Powell McNutt, the Franklin S. Dyrness Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies (Ph.D., History) at Wheaton College and a founding member of Beeson’s Center for Women in Ministry advisory board.
It also included breakout sessions and time to connect with other women attending the conference.
“The goal was simple — to encourage them in their ministries and callings,” said Kristen Padilla, director of the Center for Women in Ministry. “Ministry can feel isolating and lonely, and being a female in ministry can sometimes amplify those experiences.”
A lot of that encouragement happened organically and naturally as participants connected with other women who were doing similar things in ministry or had similar giftings, callings or passions, she said.
“It truly ended up being a conference where women were able to encourage one another,” Padilla said.
History and scholarship
During the event, McNutt led talks on how church history and biblical scholarship impact women in their callings and ministries, and breakout sessions covered topics from publishing to pursuing doctoral work to ministering to women in light of #metoo and #churchtoo.
“I think what made our conference unique is it wasn’t just for any Christian woman or any woman who wants to be a strong lay leader, it was particularly focused on women called to vocational ministry roles within the church and parachurch to better live out that call, to thrive in their positions and to work through issues related to being a woman in ministry,” Padilla said.
A variety of denominations were represented at the event, and new Samford University President Beck Taylor and his wife, Julie, came to the July 9 worship service to show their support for the center’s ministry.
To view a gallery of photos from the conference, click here. For more information about the Center for Women in Ministry, visit
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