When Canaan Baptist Church, Bessemer, dedicates its new 16,000-square-foot children’s building in June, Mildred Crane will be all smiles, knowing the eternal difference she made in the fund-raising effort for the structure.
Crane — who joined the Bessemer Baptist Association church in 1977 — recently wrote a book recounting the past 37 years of Canaan Baptist. Instead of selling the 500 books that were published for her own profit, she plans to give any donations she receives to the completion of the $2.6 million children’s facility.
“Writing this book was such an honor for me,” Crane said. “It was done for the love of all those who touched my life here at Canaan Baptist Church.”
Titled “The Garden Spot Grows: History of Canaan Baptist Church 1968–2005,” the 125-page hardback book includes stories, photographs and other pertinent information about one of the oldest Alabama Baptist congregations, founded in 1818.
The book features a listing of members buried in the church cemetery, the names of pastors who served the congregation and a synopsis of the church’s many organizations and missions trips.
Crane said much of the information in the book is valuable not only to Canaan Baptist members but also to future generations.
Pastor Morgan Bailey agreed. “It’s very important to secure our history through this book, which we should pass on to future generations. By doing so, we connect our past with our future,” he said.
Crane began writing the book in October 2003. The retired principal of Greenwood Elementary School in Bessemer was approached by fellow church member Lee Pearson about undertaking the project.
“Lee told me that the church history needed to be updated since the last book was published in the late 1960s,” Crane recalled of the church’s first history book. “I agreed that such an update was needed badly, and that’s how this all began.”
She said writing the book was somewhat challenging. Since Crane did not own a computer, she teamed up with Pearson’s wife, Katy, for the project. As Crane completed each handwritten page, she gave it to Katy Pearson who typed it on her computer.
Lonette Berg, executive director of the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission (ABHC), said that while it is not highly unusual for churches such as Canaan Baptist to publish a history book — particularly if they are approaching an anniversary — the accomplishment is not common in the state either.
She said it is vital for churches to record their history for a couple of reasons.
First, church histories are written stories of what God has done through Alabama Baptist congregations. Second, they preserve stories of God’s faithfulness and grace for future generations.
“Often the process of writing a church history can provide fellowship, inspiration and encouragement for a family of faith,” Berg said. “The wonderful story of how God has blessed and used a congregation can certainly inspire that congregation to focus on God’s plan for their future.”
While there are countless ways to publish a church history — from a hardback book with color photographs to a booklet with a few photocopied pages stapled together — Berg said congregations should consider a number of factors before undertaking the endeavor. Among those questions to consider are:
– Who will be writing the story? Will the church hire a professional to research and write the book, or will it be done exclusively by volunteers?
– What materials are available for research?
– Does the church have written records, and if so, where are those located and how will they be accessed?
– If few records are available, what resources will the church have for documentation and research?
– How will the church go about gathering information — written, photographic and oral — for the project?
– Will the project be organized chronologically, topically or in some other format?
For those churches wanting to write their history, Berg said the ABHC is always pleased to assist them. She added that the commission has a study grant ministry, in which churches writing their history can apply for up to $500 of funding for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the research and writing process. Information and the application are available online at www.abhconline.org.
For more information about Crane’s book, call the church at 205-425-4381.
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