Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson for December 11

Bible Studies for Life Sunday School Lesson for December 11

By Tyshawn Gardner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biblical and Religious Studies, Samford University

Security in Place of Fear

Romans 8:28–39

God works in all things for our good. (28–30)

God causes all circumstances, situations and ordeals in the lives of His children to work in accordance with His redemptive plan. Because we know the Lord is loving and just, we can trust He always has His best interest for our lives at heart.

As children, we don’t always understand the importance of rules. However, as adults we understand how rules helped us become productive, Christian citizens.

Although we live in a fallen world where bad things sometimes happen to good people, we also worship a sovereign and providential God who, in Christ, has subjected everything under His feet. When we look at the lives of women and men in the Bible — Joseph, Moses, Daniel, Esther and Ruth — the consistent thread in their lives was that undesirable circumstances ultimately became redemptive and beautiful purposes, for them and for others. God is always working for our good.

No one can condemn us before God. (31–34)

Since believers have been justified by God, we do not have to fear condemnation. Being justified does not mean we have license to continue in sin, nor does it mean we are exempt from the consequences of our sin. However, it does mean we are secure in our relationship with a loving and just God.

The justified have eternal security. No person can revoke or take away our security with God, thus it is imperative that Christians know of our eternal security and secure relationship with God. This security provides us assurance to overcome fear when others attempt to bring accusations from our past. Our lives are open before God.

When He justifies us through a sincere faith in Christ, no accusations can bring condemnation before Him. The knowledge of justification should lead to a continued devotion to live in obedience to Christ with thanksgiving and praise.

Nothing can separate us from God’s love. (35–39)

Because we are justified and secure in our relationship with God, nothing can separate us from His love. The Scriptures record that God’s people have often gone astray and wandered from His will, but no circumstance ever puts them out of the reach of His steadfast love. Sin and disobedience may cause distance in our fellowship with Him, but His love ensures sin cannot change our relationship with Him.

When sin disrupts our fellowship with God, life can be cold, lonely and bewildering. However, we need not fear turning back to Him. Because of His steadfast love, He always desires to be in fellowship with us. Even when we stray from God, there is no length of time or location that can weaken His love and commitment to us.

When we find ourselves distant in our fellowship with God, we need not fear or doubt His love for us. We should quickly run to the presence of our omnibenevolent God. Our relationship and standing with God are secure because His love never changes.