A disaster relief team out of Birmingham Metro Baptist Association helps clean up around Lawler Baptist Church, near Dora, on April 13 following the Easter storm that damaged the property.
BMBA executive director Chris Crain shared with TAB Media how the BMBA team is “humbled to serve the congregation of Lawler Baptist.”
“I have been familiar with the great work of Lawler Baptist Church for many years,” Crain said. “Our BMBA disaster relief team and area coordinator John Hayes are willing servants who want to share Christ during times of crisis. I am praying that the Lawler Baptist family will get through this storm and coronavirus stronger than ever.”
Lawler Baptist Church’s damage has been widely shared on social media because the center cross in the church’s outside display of three crosses remained standing when the crosses on each side were blown over in the storm. (TAB) (Photo by Tracy Riggs)
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