Bivocational ministers ask NAMB for office to support their work

Bivocational ministers ask NAMB for office to support their work

The Southern Baptist Bivocational Ministers Association has voted to submit a proposal to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) asking that the North American Mission Board (NAMB) fund an office of bivocational ministry.

The proposal, approved unanimously by more than 70 bivocational ministers at the organization’s May 5–6 meeting in Mississippi, has been delivered to NAMB’s board of trustees and the SBC Executive Committee, association leaders said.

The proposal, framed in resolution form, states that NAMB “no longer supports a national bivocational missionary who provides assistance and encourages bivocational ministers and their churches, except in cases of new church plants.”

Dale Holloway, bivocational strategist of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board staff, told the Tennessee Baptist & Reflector that NAMB has a staff person who does some work for bivocational ministers, but the staff person also has several other jobs.

Holloway, who formerly worked in bivocational ministry at the Home Mission Board, reported that NAMB had a bivocational ministry consultant for 21 years until 2003. (BP)