The Alabama Baptist Fellowship of Bivocational Ministers will hold its first Bivocational Ministers Online Conference on Feb. 20 from 9:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m.
Speakers for this year’s event will be Tim Henning, pastor of New Beginnings Fellowship, Trussville, and president of the Alabama Baptist Bivocational Ministers Fellowship; Bill Wilks, pastor of NorthPark Baptist Church, Trussville; Jacky Connell, pastor of Eden Westside Baptist Church, Pell City; and Kevin Blackwell, executive director of the Ministry Training Institute at Samford University and associate pastor for disciple making and teaching, The Station Church, Birmingham.
Registration for the conference is free. The first 75 participants to register will receive a copy of the book “Turning Everyday Conversation into Gospel Conversations” by Jimmy Scroggins and Steve Wright.
All bivocational pastors are invited to participate. For registration and information, go to
The fellowship also has a Facebook group at, a private online space where pastors can share concerns, needs and resources.
For additional information, contact Tim Henning, president of the Bivocational Ministers Fellowship, at 205-613-7235.
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