Bladon Springs holds centennial celebration

Bladon Springs holds centennial celebration

It’s a story of sustained faithfulness — from meeting under a brush arbor to deciding to become organized as Bladon Springs Baptist Church to purchasing the 145-year-old church building in the 1990s. The Choctaw Baptist Association church in Silas began 100 years ago meeting once a month, and now it meets twice a month. On Sept. 24 the congregation celebrated its centennial with a special service. Choctaw Association Director of Missions Terry Long brought the message in the 11 a.m. service, and Debbie Fuller, who grew up in the church, read a history of the church.

Special music was sung by Ted Nelson and Theresa Wood, and a historical presentation was made by Jerrol Hare of the Alabama Baptist Historical Commission.

From the church adorned with fall décor to the fellowship lunch that followed in Bladon Springs State Park, “it was a beautiful day,” said church member Gay Chesnut. Ralph Lee is pastor.