Church: Farmstead Baptist Church, Jasper
Favorite Bible Verse: Galatians 1:10
Favorite Hymn/Christian Song: “The King Is Coming”
Hobbies: Spending time with my grandchildren, chaplain, Jasper Police Department, working
Family Status: Married to Donna for 34 years; two sons, Stephen and Robert; four grandchildren
Larry Blankenship is someone you should know. In addition to leading numerous lay renewal discipleship and Experiencing God weekends around the country, he has led 45 missions trips around the world.
Q: Why have you participated in this activity?
A: I became a Christian when I was 18 and lay renewals opened my eyes to God in a way that I have never experienced Him. Then I began going on missions trips. I think God used the lay renewals in preparation for me to coordinate the missions trips around the world. I do lay renewals because I want other people to experience God the way that I have and I think that is a tool that God is using for people to experience Him.
Q: What does it demand?
A: It is time-consuming. With the lay renewals, we meet with the pastors and their committees about three to four months prior to the events. On the missions trips, we do church-to-church evangelism. We like to partner with the churches that we work with to ensure that the people who are drawn into the church family are not just prayed with and forgotten about.
Q: What do you get from it?
A: I get the blessings of seeing people experience God in way that they might not experience in everyday life. In renewal, you see people’s life change from being full of doubt to a place where they can become excited about their relationship. Lay renewals are what we call our inward journey. It’s looking at our personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus and what kind of relationship we have.
Q: How do other family members support you?
A: It has been a family ministry for us.
Q: How do you see yourself involved in this in the future?
A: Hopefully, very active. I see myself very busy.
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