Gethsemane to Golgotha: 40 Bible Study Devotionals About Jesus’ Last Day Bobby S. (Bob) Terry. Soncoast Publishing, 2024.
Bob Terry needs no introduction to readers of The Alabama Baptist, having served as editor and president of this state Baptist paper for 23 years. He recently released an excellent devotional study that is perfect for the Easter season or anytime. In 40 concise chapters, Terry gives the reader a careful look at Jesus’ last day leading to the cross. With his extensive pastoral and academic experience, Terry brings together a scholar’s insight with a pastor’s heart. He leads the reader through familiar terrain but with fresh observations and applications to life.
We see Jesus praying in Gethsemane and seeming to hear only silence from His Father. Terry notes that “silence doesn’t mean that God is not present or that He doesn’t hear us. It may be His answer” (p. 8). We see that there is much to learn in silence, and there are reasons to trust the Father just as Christ did.
Terry gives insights about the Roman soldiers sent to arrest Jesus. He notes the tenderness of Jesus’ words to Judas when He is betrayed by him. Even then, we see grace. We consider the failures of the disciples, who slept while Jesus was praying and fled when He was arrested, yet Jesus still “held on to them” (p. 24).
Terry shows an interesting parallel between the Garden of Eden and the Garden of Gethsemane. He looks at Christ’s enemies and how Jesus’ words were distorted so that He could be accused. We are treated to a helpful explanation about minor differences in how the Gospels record these events while Terry at the same time stresses the essential unity in the accounts.
All the way through Jesus’ trial to the empty tomb, we get observations that deepen our understanding of Scripture and what Christ has done for us. Terry takes us to the cross, the burial and the resurrection. This is an accessible, uplifting and relevant study for any individual or group. Highly recommended!
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