Laura Baggett. Rome, Georgia: Laura Baggett, 2016. 45 pp. (e-book).
I wonder how many closets got cleaned out after the movie “War Room” came out. I have spoken with several people who set up their own prayer closets after seeing the movie and being moved by the power of fervent prayer. According to author Laura Baggett, like many others, she decided to clean out a closet to establish her own War Room, which led to a quest to declutter her entire home, which led her to a popular book on decluttering and eventually led to this book.
But what does throwing out things that fail to “spark joy” have to do with our spiritual lives? Pearson admits that having too many sweaters, for example, is probably not “a moral failing.” Instead, she says, “It’s about trusting in God’s provision so that our blessings don’t turn into burdens.”
The short e-book is full of wisdom that goes beyond the simple act of decluttering — in a sense, it adds what the original decluttering manifesto by Marie Kondo left out — the connection between what we own and who we are in Christ. Pearson also has developed a companion Bible study guide on this topic.
Pearson is an Alabama native, having grown up in First Baptist Church, Hartselle, in Morgan Baptist Association. She currently lives in Rome, Georgia.
—Review by Martine Bates Fairbanks, Ed.D.
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