My Morning Walks with God
Greg A. Lane. Hartselle, Alabama: Inspired Design & Graphics, 2016. 190 pp. (Paperback).
I have been reading Greg Lane’s Facebook and blog posts for a long time and am always blessed by them. He has the ability to take simple everyday objects and events and draw deep, spiritual conclusions from them then apply them to life.
“My Morning Walks with God” is exactly what I expected when I heard he was coming out with a book — all the spiritual depth and insights, without having to wait for Lane to post another of his eagerly anticipated messages of encouragement. For example he noticed the bar of soap had been dropped and had a gash in it. Even though it was scarred, it was still soap and could still be used for the purpose it was intended. Like that soap, people often become damaged, even bearing the marks of the fall, but “a fall doesn’t nullify a person’s purpose or negate the gifting that is within them.”
The book is designed to be used as a six-month devotional, with dates to keep the reader on track. It is, like any good devotional, also good for quick pickup inspiration. It would have been helpful to have a table of contents to help the reader find favorite selections to re-read. As it is, I find myself thumbing through often, stopping here and there to draw spiritual encouragement.
—By Martine Bates Fairbanks, TAB Media Reviewer
Editor’s Note — Martine Bates Fairbanks, Ed.D., reviews books and movies for The Alabama Baptist. She is a university professor and retired principal. She is a member of Central Baptist Church, Decatur.
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