The executive committee of the Baptist World Alliance (BWA) unanimously adopted a statement declaring appreciation for Southern Baptists and expressing a “prayerful desire” that Southern Baptists remain a part of the BWA.
The statement was adopted March 10 at the first meeting of the BWA executive committee since the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) announced its intention to withdraw from the worldwide body.
The statement also responded to charges by the SBC that BWA did not believe in Jesus as the only way of salvation.
“We have engaged in lengthy discussion, study and prayer and wish to affirm again for all to know,” that statement said in part, “our joyful affirmation of faith in the mediation of Jesus Christ as solely and entirely sufficient for salvation, for there is salvation in no one else (Acts 4:12).”
Following an intense three-hour discussion of concerns raised by Southern Baptists about BWA, President Billy Kim of Korea appointed a four-member ad hoc committee to draft a statement.
Among those serving on the committee were: Allister Brown, head of the British Baptist Missionary Society; Neville Callam, pastor of the Tarrant-Balmagie Circuit of Baptist Churches, Kingston, Jamaica and a widely known Caribbean leader through his radio ministry; Fausto Vasconceleos, pastor of First Baptist Church, Rio de Janeiro and president of the Union of Baptists in Latin America; and Gary Nelson, General Secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries, a cooperative of five separate Baptist conventions in Canada.
BWA staff members were not involved in drafting the statement.
The full text of the statement is printed below.
BWA official statement
The Executive Committee of the Baptist World Alliance during its meetings March 8–10, 2004, has listened to the issues raised by the Southern Baptist Convention regarding its membership within this alliance. While saddened by misunderstandings we wish to state that:
1. We hold a great appreciation for the SBC’s contribution to Kingdom work around the world.
2. We are grateful for the contributions of the SBC to the BWA.
3. We regret the current tensions which have led the SBC Executive Committee to recommend withdrawal from BWA membership.
4. We have sought to hear these concerns clearly and consider them seriously and prayerfully.
5. We have engaged in lengthy discussion, study and prayer and wish to affirm again for all to know:
a. Our adherence to the historic doctrines of our faith including but not limited to:
i. The uniqueness of our Lord Jesus Christ,
ii. The centrality of the Great Commission;
b. Our joyful affirmation of faith in the mediation of Jesus Christ as solely and entirely sufficient for salvation, “for there is salvation in no one else” (Acts 4:12).
6. We acknowledge that we are not a denomination but an alliance of Baptists who seek to live out the life of Christ in the various tongues and nations that God has created.
7. A worldwide alliance must reflect the concerns of Baptist bodies around the world as we try to understand, to live and to proclaim the whole gospel of Jesus Christ.
8. Our goal is to ensure that all we do as the BWA will honor Christ, bear witness to His Kingdom and contribute to the unity of His Body as expressed through Baptists around the world.
9. We are grateful for the solidarity of support the BWA has received from Baptists around the globe. We believe that this attests to the faithful and unselfish contributions the BWA has made for nearly 100 years.
10. We express our sincere and prayerful desire to continue working together with Southern Baptists through the Baptist World Alliance.
We call upon Baptists everywhere to join us in the great challenge of lifting up Christ so that He may draw all people unto Himself. (TAB)
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