Calvinism Report

Calvinism Report

I read with interest the Calvinism Advisory Committee report [that stated], as I understood their finding, that Calvinists and non-Calvinists can coexist and accomplish the Great Commission.

First, God’s Great Commission will be accomplished with or without us. Second, it has been my experience that when Calvinism enters a church, it divides that church. 

In the next to last paragraph of their report, they said, “If we stand together in truth, we can trust one another in truth, even as we experience tension.” 

First, why would we want tension in the church, which is supposed to be a unified Body? 

Second, which truth are they referring to? Calvinism or non-Calvinism? Which is truth? Baptism by immersion or sprinkling? Which is truth? Praying in Jesus’ name or Mary’s name? 

Truth is not like a slice of bread on which you can spread butter on both sides. Truth is absolute and the biblical truth is that all have the opportunity to accept Christ — not a chosen few.

Larry E. Beauchamp
Ashford, Ala.