Campus News — Judson College

Campus News — Judson College

Judson College Hosts Summer Missions Expo: Judson College in Marion hosted its first Summer Missions Opportunity Expo on Oct. 17–18. Judson students had opportunities to meet representatives from various missions and ministry organizations and learn about ways they could be involved in summer missions.

Organizations represented included the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions office of collegiate and student ministries; Nehemiah Teams/Project 52; WorldSong; Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega; Christ-Centered Church, Miami, Florida; Sowing Seeds of Hope; Judson College’s office of faith-based service and learning; and Urban Nations Outreach.

In addition to sharing information about their organizations at the Expo, representatives shared testimonies and information at Revive, a weekly Bible study hosted by Judson Campus Ministries.

Judson College Exhibit Highlights Unreached People Groups:  The Judson College Introduction to Missiology class and Judson College Campus Ministries in Marion co-hosted a traveling exhibit Oct. 10–13, called “The Wall of the Unreached.”

The exhibit consisted of panels listing the names of approximately 7,000 people groups who are identified as “unreached” by the gospel of Jesus Christ and was provided by Unleashed 4 the Unreached.