Canada institutes ‘reproductive rights’ test

Canada institutes ‘reproductive rights’ test

OTTAWA, Canada — Churches and other Christian groups in Canada are concerned about a new rule that denies summer job funding for organizations that express pro-life beliefs.

The Canadian government recently issued a rule stipulating that applicants for the Canada Summer Jobs grant had to attest to support for abortion as part of their “core mandate” in order to qualify. Roman Catholic, evangelical and other religious organizations contend the rule is unfair and potentially illegal because it forces applicants to make known their stances on abortion during the application process, the Ottawa Citizen reported.

Employment Minister Patty Hajdu stated in mid-January that she was comfortable with requiring the grant applicants to check a box stating they have a “core mandate” which respects “reproductive rights.” Unless the box is checked, the online application cannot be submitted for consideration. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also has defended his government’s rule.

Canada’s National Post reports that the summer jobs grant currently funds approximately 70,000 placements for students, and religious groups that have run summer camps, day cares, drop-in centers and other programs have counted on the funding. (TAB)