Countless social media posts showcase the conversation taking place around Wycliffe Bible Translators’ new #WhyBible campaign. Value in reading The reason for the campaign stems
Mark Wakefield has taken on the role of disaster relief and chaplaincy ministry strategist for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions (SBOM), effective Sept.
Friends of Alabama Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) gathered July 22–23 at Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center in Talladega to celebrate the launch of a state
For some Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) leaders in the state, the upcoming Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering (see story, this page) is filled with excitement. Maggie
Jessie Davis Stakely During her term as president (1908–1920), Stakely challenged Alabama Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) members to fund a hospital for women in Laichowfu,
The Alabama Baptist won the Alabama Press Association’s FOI-First Amendment Award in APA’s 2016 Better Newspaper Contest with “Numbers in state legislation to form lottery,