Two groups are working independently regarding bills concerning video poker and abortion that will go before the Alabama Legislature this week. Lisa Myers, executive director
Robert Burris, international missionary to Taiwan, said Taiwanese Christians are beginning to take up the mantle of missions. Burris and his wife, Donna, are strategy
Four Alabama Baptists were among 36 Southern Baptist missionaries commissioned during the Jan. 10 appointment service at Lakeview Baptist Church, Auburn. Just under 2,000 people
Morgan County Baptists are hoping Crusade 2000 will prompt the same excitement among Christians that the secular world has for rock concerts and athletic events.
Relief has continued to pour into Venezuela following flooding in December that left thousands dead and many more homeless. To date Southern Baptists have given
By far, the biggest news for Alabama Baptists in 1999 was the defeat of proposed state lottery gambling. Church leaders from different denominations, backgrounds and