ATLANTA — The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF) General Assembly approved a constitutional preamble highlighting its allegiance to Jesus Christ and commitment to the Great Commission during a business session June 23 in Atlanta.
The assembly also approved a $17 million budget, an amendment requiring the assembly’s approval on future nominees to serve as CBF representatives on boards and the nominating committee’s report.
The preamble, which was approved by the fellowship’s Coordinating Council in October 2005, is as follows: “As a fellowship of Baptist Christians and churches, we celebrate our faith in the One Triune God. We gladly declare our allegiance to Jesus Christ as Lord and to His gospel as we seek to be the continuing presence of Christ in this world.
Our passion is to obey the Great Commandment (Matt. 22:34–40) and the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19–20) of our Lord in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to uphold Baptist principles of faith and practice as we partner with one another and other Christians.”
The assembly also heard from Rob Nash, who was unanimously approved as the group’s new global missions coordinator June 21. Nash, a former Missionary Kid in the Philippines, has traveled and studied in more than 30 countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and South America.
Prior to his CBF position, he served as dean of the school of religion & international studies and associate professor of religion at Shorter College in Rome, Ga.
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