Dorothy M. Morris, compiler. 151 pp. (Hardback). To order, call Mount Zion Baptist Church, Huntsville, 256-837-2665.
This extraordinarily researched and quite well-written church history recounts the significant and moving story of one of the strong, influential churches in Madison Baptist Association. Its author is the widow of Bill Morris, who was pastor of the church from 1969 until 1973.
Ron Madison, current pastor, writes: “As you read, may you experience the joy felt by so many who have been privileged to call Mount Zion their church home.” Other former pastors include Joe Anglin Sr., Bill Chitwood, John Hogan, David McMichael and Jess Smith.
This author writes: “Bill (her husband) loved this church, and he was excited about the direction it was going. I am sure he is looking down today and rejoicing with us.”
No question about it, this history serves as an appropriate model for other churches with members wanting to engage in a similar project.
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